Millennials: Direct Mail + Digital

Direct Mail + Digital = Results

It is not uncommon in the direct mail industry to read articles or hear people talk about Millennials and how they respond to direct mail versus digital marketing. There are arguments on both sides of the coin for which of the two vehicles yields better results. At Parkland Direct, we are of the mindset that the two, when properly blended, work well together and can be a potent combination!



Statistics reveal that attempting a “one-size-fits-all” marketing approach is not likely to work with this generation. According to a USPS study, “Millennials want to feel connected, both emotionally and digitally”. An article by Lending Science shows that “Eighty-four percent of Millennials take the time to look through their mail”. Utilizing direct mail to drive Millennials to your company’s digital platform, either through social media, a website, or an online promotional offer, can be an extremely effective method! And this approach doesn’t just appeal to Millennials, but also various potential clients across the board.

Haptics Enhance Interest

Incorporating haptics into your envelope design is a powerful tool that will grab attention and help achieve an emotional connection with Millennials. The addition of tangible, striking embellishments, such as foils, embossing, or specialty coatings, will enhance interest and boost response rates.

By providing an engaging, omnichannel experience, your business can drive its marketing campaign to achieve the results your brand is pursuing. Both direct mail and digital marketing can, and do, work in harmony to create a win-win scenario that isn’t seen enough these days!

Check out Parkland’s sample book to learn more about us and the eye-catching elements we can offer: Virtual Copy or Request a Physical Copy.

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